Hi Everyone,
We are nearly at the end of our first year and we are going to change a few things for next term.
When we started this group following our Movie Making classes in the previous terms, we envisaged to run this group as a workshop with everybody working on their own projects during our meetings. But for some reason or other (mainly technical) it wasn't possible.
We have now decided that we will operate this "CLUB" like our very successful camera club. So from our first meeting in the next term, we'll start off with a SHOW AND TELL segment where members show the meeting a short video of 2 minutes or less, then we'll talk about a video subject. I would dearly love members to get involved in researching or talking about a subject, like Roy has expertly done at the last meetings, thank you Roy.
Like the camera club, we will go on field trips to capture footage then present edited versions at the meeting.
I will appreciate your feedback on that proposition, please.
On Tuesday 15 December, after the meeting, say 1.00pm, you are all invited to 45 Highview Terrace for a get together and a chinwag about our 'new' club and it's direction. Diane and I will provide some drinks. Please bring a plate.