Sunday, 29 November 2015

Next Meeting Tuesday 1 December 11.00am

Hi Everyone,

On Tuesday, we'll look a a totally free editing program with punch equal to Final Cut Pro X, Premier and all the other very expensive programs, and it runs both on Apple and on PCs. (I wish I had known of this when we did our Movie Making classes). But it's never too late, we'll look at it closely.

While in Melbourne I had a chance to visit the set of the TV drama WENTWORTH while they were filming. I'll have some shots of their equipment.


Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Today's Meeting

Hi Everyone,

At our meeting today, we have decided that from Term 1 next year, we will only meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at the library, rather than every week. On alternative Tuesdays we go on video shoots to collect footage . Some of the suggestions so far,


please send us your suggestions.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Nearly the end of our first year

Hi Everyone,

We are nearly at the end of our first year and we are going to change a few things for next term.

When we started this group following our Movie Making classes in the previous terms, we envisaged to run this group as a workshop with everybody working on their own projects during our meetings. But for some reason or other (mainly technical) it wasn't possible.

We have now decided that we will operate this "CLUB" like our very successful camera club. So from our first meeting in the next term, we'll start off with a SHOW AND TELL segment where members show the meeting a short video of 2 minutes or less, then we'll talk about a video subject. I would dearly love members to get involved in researching or talking about a subject, like Roy has expertly done at the last meetings, thank you Roy.

Like the camera club, we will go on field trips to capture footage then present edited versions at the meeting.

I will appreciate your feedback on that proposition, please.


On Tuesday 15 December, after the meeting, say 1.00pm, you are all invited to 45 Highview Terrace for a get together and a chinwag about our 'new' club and it's direction. Diane and I will provide some drinks. Please bring a plate.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Today's Meeting

Hi everyone,

Today, we showed the finished short movie PEOPLE LIKE YOU. Lark joined us for the viewing.

If you want to see the You Tube version CLICK HERE.

One of our next projects is producing promo videos for Logan District U3A  classes for the Brisbane website. When prospective members check our classes offered on line, they will have a chance to see what't the classes or groups are doing. Some examples of promos are here:

Beading class - BEADING CLASS
Travel Group - TRAVEL GROUP
Camera Club - CAMERA CLUB
Movie Goers Group - MOVIE GOERS GROUP

It would be nice for more people getting involved in shooting these promos. Please let me know if you can help, so far we have teams for PAINTING FOR PLEASURE, GERMAN and MAH JONG but there are many more classes for which we can produce promos.

Please let me know.

But, our short film over, we now have time to help members with their own projects. So one along next Tuesday and bring your gear, so we can do that.