Hi Members,
We'll be visiting the Port of Brisbane on Tuesday 16 August at 10.00am
NOT 11.00am
This will be a great opportunity to capture the activities of an operational port. Hopefully there will be some ships in the port at the time. We'll meet at 10.00am at the Visitors Centre, from where we go up to the top floor both to the viewing area and cafe.
The Port of Brisbane is on Fisherman Island |
Map of the Port Area |
We'll meet at the Visitors Centre |
View of the Port Area |
We will not be allowed to film on the ground floor, only from the Observation Deck on the top floor.
Bird Area
There is a fenced off area for which we'll get the key to enter the enclosure where usually migratory birds settle for visits.
The lagoon at the Visitors Centre always holds good numbers of waterbirds including Black Swan, Australian Pelican, White Ibis, Royal Spoonbill, Great and Intermediate Egret, Chestnut Teal, Grey Teal, and many other well known species. Pink-eared Duck, Buff-banded Rail and Australasian Shoveler have also been seen here.
The car parking area is a great spot to see and photograph Mangrove Honeyeater, Brown Honeyeater and Rainbow Lorikeets, particularly when the Grevilllea and Bottle-brushes are in flower. Striped Honeyeater, Eastern Spinebill, Scaly-breasted and Rainbow Lorikeets, Spangled Drongo, Superb Fairy-wrens also visit the flowering native shrubs in the car park.